
19 Sept 2011

Monday,19,2011 september!!!!

chicken!!!! my mouth waters when i say this words!!! hmmm today at city center mall , me ,adil , and madhu had this dish which was called"bone less strips!!!" had greatly with a/c!! hot gals around, with my best buddies     adil tv and madhu mylari!!! and a big 4 LCD tv's!!! sounds great na!!! so the it was really enjoying that i finished my viva today with our manager A.R.Kini sir!! hmmm did well and got info. about how to finish a control loops. then we had a presentation by PCRA(preserverance and conservation research association) from IOC india ltd. Mr.Bhaskar gave the presentation about the energy saving at cooking as well as at driving vehicles!!! had good time with him!! had a good chat with mylari at the room discussing about my past life at college !!! saying him everything i had at college !!! oh ho omg! i miss my college buddies a lot!!:-( then also i will be available for them throughout my life!! my dear buddies i won't forget you till my end!! had good talk with my bava and my sister!!! happy to share about my experience in the industry and M'lore with them!! then totally a wondeful day!!! thoght for the day is "success is not a final just like failure is not fatal"! enjoy every moment of my life!!!